86. JOSH SMITH – How Your Energy, Mindset and Self-Reflection Can Set You Up For Success


86. JOSH SMITH – How Your Energy, Mindset and Self-Reflection Can Set You Up For Success

How do you get the best from yourself? For business owner and strength and conditioning coach, Josh Smith, it’s all about having honest conversations with himself and with those close to him.

I had so much fun chatting with Josh. He’s a good friend of mine and when the opportunity came up to record this episode live in my makeshift studio we threw ourselves at the challenge. No scripts, no plan, just hit record and let the rest look after itself.

And it was a good thing we did because it’s clear Josh is on a mission to help people change the way they think, feel and approach their challenges to truly break out of their comfort zone. We dive deep into what it means to be accountable for how you show up, the energy you bring to every situation and the commitment it takes to continually grow as a person.

We talk about:

  • How to control your energy no matter what your feeling
  • How to shift your energy from a negative state to a positive state
  • How and when to use self-reflection in order to continue getting better
  • The power of feedback and how to ask for it
  • How to get out of your comfort zone.

This was such a fun conversation. Josh is an open book and his desire to be the best he can be and help others do the same is evident as he truly walks his talk.

Jackie 02:59
Josh, welcome to the Bodies Built Better podcast. But first, by the way, because we were recording in the same room.

Josh Mitise 03:08
It’s fantastic.

This is kinda scary as well.

Josh Mitise 3:13
You got a pillow? It’s very personal. It’s very personal.

Jackie 03:16
Because I’m recording in person. There’s a lot of space that you need to think about. Which means you’ve got to be a bit awkward…

Josh Mitise 3:26
A little bit.

Jackie 3:26
Unless you’re like someone like the Tom Billus or the Tim Ferriss where they can have a massive camera crew and just do all the editing.

Josh Mitise 03:37
Multiple–multiple angles. Yeah.

Jackie 3:41
One angle.

Josh Mitise 3:43
This is THE CHANNEL SEVEN NEWS. Show. One from the front. That’s where we’re at. Okay? That’s where we’re at.

How to Unleash Your Inner Josh And Gain More Energy

Jackie 03:48
Oh, yeah. Cool. Well, we’re here to talk about all sorts of stuff. All sorts of Josh stuff that you do really bloody well. And I think what people, if they don’t know you, or if they’ve never met you, they’re about to find out how much bloody energy they always have. So let’s talk about energy first.

Josh Mitise 04:14
All right, let’s go.

Jackie 04:16
How on earth do you get so high and stay up there for so long?

Josh Mitise 04:21
Can we, can we clarify?

Jackie 04:25
High Energy.

Josh Mitise 04:27
That’s zest for life.

Jackie 4:33
Exactly. Yeah.

Josh Mitise 4:34
You know, I’ve thought about this actually. It’s because I get a lot from you. I get a lot from people.

Jackie 4:43
It’s because it’s so noticeable.

Josh Mitise 4:44
I think–I think so. Honestly, I think it’s I really enjoy what I do, as in life in general, you know, and I’ve really worked for, you know, 12-15 years, trying to create spaces that I enjoy being in. And so it’s easy to wake up call, and we’ve got a fantastic space like when you know, and everyone there, you know, get energy from you see what they’re doing, and I’m doing it and they’re doing it. As soon as–that’s how I feel, you know, that’s the answer.

Jackie 05:15
We say, because of their–the spaces that you’ve created, what about when you walk into a space that you haven’t created, you seem to bring this kind of energy. So what’s that about?

Josh Mitise 05:27
So that the spaces I create, let me quantify that or clarify that. I mean, in my mind, so that’s what I mean, when I create that space, it’s, I’m going to a physical space that I’ve created, yes, we’re talking work or basically the gym. But for me, it’s more of that mental space, I’ve created the space where I’m at, for myself in life, or wherever I’m at. So if I do walk into a space, it’s really interesting. If I do walk into a space, where I’m not comfortable with, I observe, I will observe and I will watch and see where I fit in, and what energies I’ll work with when I’m there with other people or environment or whatnot. But it’s easy to have kind of like a presence, rather than energy, just because it’s right tall, whatever. So I think it’s more, it’s the mental spaces that are that are bringing, then it’s the interactions that occur and you kind of pick up on what energy is what’s coming, what are you giving, here do you want to, like, take where they want to take? All that kind of stuff? So yeah,

Succes Mindset: Creating a Mental Space For Fitness And Self-Care

Jackie 06:36
And how, how did this mental space come about? How did you build it? When did you realise you needed as a mental space that helped you with this?

Josh Mitise 06:48
Oh, wow. I don’t know, I wouldn’t say there’s a particular moment, it was a developing–it was like a developed, built kind of idea, right? That, you know, getting into, say training and fitness and that kind of industry, way back when you realise that your work style. And lifestyle is not a regular style. So you can’t really take advice or seek help from others who aren’t in the industry. And like being in that industry, it’s a lot of self-care and wellness and physical development and mental development. And, you know, when I first started doing most of us training, I’d get up, have to get up at 4:15 am, driving down, catch a tram, going into the gym, and then run sessions, right? And I was also working at a nightclub, at nighttime. So there were particularly weekends, or Fridays and Saturdays, where I would literally get three hours of sleep last time we got home and then got back out and got to the club from a Friday to Saturday. And then Saturday night would be an all-nighter. So I’ll wait till the morning and then go home and get some sleep and then I’ll go do all night and then Sunday would sleep. And so through the different things I was doing, I was like “How can I get the most out of what I’m doing? And like, physically and externally as had to I had to be at the jobs, you know, I had to for other reasons which go into right. But I had to be there to help support the lifestyle that I wanted at that time. And so if I can’t control the external, I can control the internal. So what things can I do that are going to allow me to enjoy being where I’m at, no matter how tired you are? Or lack of energy you might have? Or to do, you’re feeling, you can always enjoy the space? And that was the question we–How can I enjoy the spaces that I’m in? And then that just [inaudible]

Turning On the Switch: How To Bring Energy When You’re Exhausted

Jackie 08:55
So I find that super interesting because I know when I wake up feeling awful or have no sleep, I, it’s really hard to get into an internal mental space. That gets me out. And in a good mood or a high energy. So, and I know men and women are different in terms of our hormones and all of that stuff. So we can’t really compare the two. But how do you go, I haven’t had any sleep. I have to go and show up 1,000% At the next job. And I got to bring that energy just in case the people who rock up don’t have that energy and, and they’ve also got no sleep. So they–the people who go to the gym and I’m one of them who had zero sleep can rock up not in the greatest mood or energy. So how do you make sure that you get their zero sleep, potentially zero energy, fatigue logic. But you turn on the switch in the in the head–

Josh Mitise 10:13
It’s for me it’s like, like Okay, so, like full disclosure, I don’t wake up. Oh.

Jackie 10:21

John Mitise 10:23
I wake up like this.

Jackie 10:23
I’m totally picturing you doing that.

Josh Mitise
Pop it out of bed–dive into–I’m ready for the day. I wake up like this.

Jackie 10:32
Thank goodness.

Josh Mitise
It starts, okay. Actually, when I wake up, my alarm tone is Spanish like Latin music plays, right and so I wake up and we’re like every other interaction but I wake up at my oh, okay, a bit tired whenever I still feel that right. And so my mental process when I’m from the moment I wake up to, you know, getting to work or to the gym or whatever, is like little things that make me feel good, right. So for example, I have to have a shower in the morning, you know, get water in your face, which I used to splash my face with cold water. Now have a shower, not a cold shower about it, just enjoy yourself and shower. But from like, alarm tone, your wake up call, you might snooze a bit, if that’s what you want to do, then, like get out of bed, I usually have my clothes all set up. So we’re good to go. So my call is no stress with that, grab that, that makes me feel good. Having that there, are usually tight in my house and that before I go to bed, so that’s like the whole environment is okay, little. That’s cool. That’s cool. That’s cool, get showered. That’s cool. Oh, get out and like, awesome. You’re ready. And then you know, the process continues in the car. So lately, I’ve started listening to more podcasts in the book in, in the book in the car. Things I enjoy, you know, previously it was music. So always have that in my ears, then driving to the gym, you think, okay, cool, what’s what’s coming up, you know, who we got coming in? Or what’s the session, or what’s the vibe going to be like, and knowing that, they’re gonna be able to create that of–that space is already sorted, you know, from the night before, and from everything we’ve built to get to that space, you know, in the car might call sometimes I’ll sit silently or whatever I’m feeling. So that allows me to feel good about things. And then I’ll run through thoughts or I’ll, you know, take notes on things and get things out of my head. So my awesome, like, everything feels good. And so it’s really easy to for me, it’s really easy to bring energy or to get myself up to the energy once I’ve gone through this, this sort of mental process of, is everything I’m doing, I’m feeling good, you know. And sometimes you’ll wake up, you know, might be sure you might be sick, or you have, you know, issues and whatnot and body aches and pains. And so it’s still a matter for me, it’s like, well, what can I do? I can’t control that. For example, this morning, I woke up because I had a massive natural meal last night, and I wasn’t feeling good. And I was like, “Well, this is your fault last night.”

Jackie 13:01
Oh, those, my choice.

Josh Mitise 13:02
All those, my choice. And how can I do things that are that good, that’s gonna do it anyway. But everything else I can still control, that’s going to feel good. And then you get to the space, by the time I get this mental process of feeling good, doing good thinking good. Get there. And then when people come in, you’re already feeling great. Most people that come in might not have gone through that process and have that and have developed that idea that that’s what they do, you know, seek little things that make you feel good. That compound, right? And so by the time we get there, like awesome, I’m feeling good. And then you get to a space, which is like, like, like we’ve said, you know, there’s plants, there is art that is fun as training, there’s music vibe. So it’s, that’s easy, external, added onto that. So you’ve gone through a mental process, and then you get to external. And then everything just kind of rolls from there, you know? And then to overlay that I have a massive intrigue in people. Right? And so regardless of who’s coming in, I try to always be like, awesome. Where was coming in? It’s exciting. It’s exciting to see someone that’s so–let’s get excited. You know, I don’t have to kind of manufacture that and fake it’s like, I’m actually joined, excited to see who’s coming in, what they’re doing. With a staffing, whether it’s client tailwind, whether it’s just randos in a motel next door, it doesn’t matter. I’m excited, like, what’s gonna happen here. And having that curiosity allows us to overlay on everything else that happens. And it just compounds into that effect, where you get this like, the energy, zest, whatever you want to call it.

Maintaining Your Energy While Dealing With Other People

Jackie 14:35
Well, then–what if–how do you keep that energy so high when there are people coming in with their own energies? And I mean, you don’t have control over that. So how do you–how do you manage that in the sense of, you know, you’re keeping your own energy high, but also you’re trying to have a positive impact on them and their energy without being overbearing.

Josh Mitise 15:05
Fantastic, aggressive, without being aggressively in their face with it. And this is interesting because it’s a study on people and understanding people and trying to understand people. So yes, you can be excited for someone coming in. But if someone’s super introverted, and you don’t have a relationship with them, you’re not going to be all in the business. You know, and likewise, if someone’s extroverted and just wants that, you’ve got what I took for myself as I adapt to the person that I’m seeing in their space, at that moment in time, you know, there are people that extroverted, love the energy come in, they might feel shit one day, and you can tell like across the gym, not that personnel feeling good today. So I’ve really–I would say, I have to contact, really good relationships with my clientele. So I know who’s been around and members in the space and whatnot. So I can generally get that vibe. And so working with the person where they’re at, and if they’re not feeling too good, you could ask, “Hey, how are you doing today?” You know, “What’s going on?”, “Where you at?” You know, and understanding them, how they present from variaables energetically, you can usually tell us how someone’s presenting how they look physically, you know, they’ve made the effort to get up and come. So they obviously want to be there. Now, you’re not going to make that shit space and just be local, just do your thing. We know you’re in a corner, you want to engage but in the way they want to be engaged with. That’s the key for that. So that’s kind of a theme throughout my entire working and living life is like trying to understand people. And then how do we express our understanding of how we express our connection with them. So if they’re coming in with low energy, everyone that comes in, I want to leave happy, they leave the gym, they’re happy, well, they’ve got energy, or they’ve got something out of [how] they feel good. And so how do you do that? It’s learning how your energy can intertwine with that. It’s like a DNA strand, right? They bring something you bring something, it has to be intertwined, it can’t be competitive.

Jackie 17:13
And if it is?

Josh Mitise 17:15
Then you just let them do their thing. Or you hire introverts. As a collective, you get the people who can work with them, you know, and if someone comes in and just wants to do their own thing, do your own thing. You know, and you know that and what I’m trying to establish, and what I have also have established is communication channels, and transparency, where if someone does want to be that, hey, if you see me put my headphones in, because I’m having not having a good way, I’m gonna do my own thing, no dramas, go do that.

How to Open The Line Of Communication

Jackie 17:48
Hmm. I love that. How do you–how do you elicit that in terms of the communication, and opening that space for people to be able to communicate, how they communicate, and how they like to be communicated to? Because like you said, everyone is different. And super intriguing. And it’s such, it can be used as such a powerful tool when you know that and obviously, for them as well. So how do you open that line of communication?

Josh Mitise 18:25
Understanding where they’re at when they start, right. And for me, it’s like to open the line of communication is get to another person. Now someone could usually, people come in with, you know, they come from somewhere else, almost all our all kinds of members that we’re having people that I work with, have come through someone else who’s gonna come here or come to this. So there’s always an initial spark, you know, it’s very rare we get someone completely doesn’t know about us rolls in. So that provides a good base for us to ask questions. What do you like? How about to be talked to, you know, we sit down and chat with people when they first start, and we come in, sit on the floor, does have a little chat about where you’re at? What do you want to achieve? Where do you want to go? How do you like to be talked to? What is your energy like, you know, and that kind of comes through the conversations that we have. So by coming in, you’ve already, you’ve already opened yourself up a little bit, a little bit of vulnerability, I’m here to do X. Great. Why, then proceed, you know, how do you, how do you want us to help you then proceed. And these questions, these open questions that actually ask about the person allow you to get an understanding of them. And now there’s a skill that comes on top of that, which is, you know, reading body language or you know, reading the person, but from a very base level, you can ask those hows and whys and dig deeper into that, and gain insight and listen to what they’re saying and understand what they’re saying. Rather than just going through like ticking the box while you want no weight loss yet cool, take that bubble bar and then not giving a shit. And then what I do and what we try and do, as the collective is like, when someone comes in and we talk to them, we get to know them. Our aim for the first six weeks is build relationships. Don’t worry about the training too much. Yes, they’ll get training and yes, they get their programmes and blah, blah, blah, but get to know the person. So we can ask the questions for the next training block or for the next period, or where they’re at, that are going to enable us to work with them better. If they can only come in in the morning, and they don’t have energy in the morning, how would you like us to create a space that you’re going to be happy? And, you know, how would you like us to create a space that you’re going to be motivated in or driven to come to, you know, so I want people to be able to come to want to come, right? And then so they know that when they get there, it’s going to be a space that obviously we’ve got multiple people in at times and whatever, and how can work that out. But you know, that then to create that space is also about, they know what they’re gonna get, then they’re gonna get a, welcome the only good people they like or know, and might be other people in the gym that they can connect with. And, but they’re also going to be able to leave them alone if they want it. And that trust that that’s going to happen, that, that we’ve got their best interests as a human at heart, rather than the training at heart that allows people to then open up so we can then be like, Alright, cool. You do what you’ve got to do, you know, and so that’s how the–for me it’s the energies will naturally intertwine in that, is that if you’re understanding what someone’s bringing, you can then modify yourself, which is our job to then encourage that space. No, you have to it’s always give and take, like, if you’re in a conversation, relationship situation, whatever the experience, you’re in with someone else as an energy exchange, as an–as an energy melding, basically, and how it melds together determines the outcome of that experience. And so you’re trying to make that expensive, best, you can’t get to know that person.

The Power of Vulnerability In Creating A Safe Space for Women

Jackie 22:06
There are so many things in that. And I want to go back to vulnerability. Because the gym space can be a vulnerable space for a lot of people. And I feel like more so for women. And you have created this amazing space for women. It’s not just for women, but you seem to have like, it’s, it’s mostly–when I’m there. So whilst you don’t promote yourself as an all-female space, you’ve done such an amazing job at creating a safe space that women feel like they can go there and do whatever it is they need to do. So how, how have you–I mean, you’ve said a lot already in terms of “it’s the human”. Yes, human first, training second. Vulnerabilities–how have you put yourself out there? And showing yourself in a way that has made people feel comfortable to show themselves in that space?

Josh Mitise 23:31
Fantastic question. Thank you. The–when you say put it out there, right? It’s, I believe it’s in the interactions that I have with people when they come in, face to face. So I want to make sure that when we’re talking about putting it out there, like, put out publicly, stuff, I have done that before. No, but to create that space, it’s a physical space that people are going to come to the way that you engage with those people to start with. And so the way that I’m vulnerable with people, I’ll tell them straight up, I ain’t gonna know what’s best for you right now. Until we get to know you, you know? And so do be able to then, you know, when you talk about putting yourself out there as I’m quite comfortable asking people for critical feedback, as you’re not very much.

Jackie 24:30
Which is actually one of the things I admire most about you.

Where to find Josh:

Instagram: @mitiseperformancegroup

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