82. CARRIE BENNETT – Understanding Quantum Biology to Heal Your Body

Today on the show I chat with Quantum biologist Carrie Bennett. She has a clinical practice in Kalamazoo Michigan, working with clients to improve their health. Carrie breaks down what quantum biology is, how we apply that to our health, our healing, and how simple it can be to tweak a few things that we already do for better or optimal health.

And that’s what I love about this conversation.

Carrie explains the best ways to optimise our body on an extracellular level so that everything else that we do, that being all the good food we eat, the water we drink, the exercise we do, all have an even bigger and better impact because we’ve built good strong healthy foundations, and I am all about strong foundations!

We also cover:

  • Sunlight and light therapy
  • Mitochondrial health
  • Understanding water on a quantum level
  • How we can drink water all day but still be dehydrated
  • How our words and thoughts play an incredibly important role in our health and wellbeing

Whilst we only scratch the surface of the impact of water and sunlight, Carrie elegantly explains why this is so crucial to good health and, more importantly, how simple it is to take action on creating better health habits.

The Truth About Quantum Healing: Carrie Explains It All

Jackie 4:58
Carrie, thank you so much for chatting with me today. Welcome to the Bodies Built Better podcast.

Carrie 5:03
Oh, thank you, Jackie. I’m so excited to dive in.

Jackie 5:07
I’m so excited. I was pumped when you said yes, you’d come onto the show. But there was also a bit of nervousness, panic. I’m so out of my depth here. And I’m not sure how I’m even gonna go about this. But that’s what I love about you and what you do and your work. You’re so great at explaining. I mean, we’re talking about quantum healing today. And you’re so good at explaining all of this. And your Instagram has a wealth of information, and I’m learning more. But I’ll be completely honest, if there’s any blank stares today, you’re just gonna. I’m so looking forward to this. Let’s start with a bit about you and your background. How did you get into this line of work?

Carrie 5:52
I didn’t, I didn’t wake up one day and said, Hey, I want to study quantum biology? Right? It kind of found me. I–you know, anyone who’s kind of on this knowledge journey, or this healing journey, at some point, we reach a wall or potentially a barrier that we have to overcome and maybe traditional methods of healing and my, my barrier, it kind of, I guess they were just little hills to overcome. You know, after I graduated from college, I–just nothing ever felt great. You know, I was an athlete, kind of in disrepair, I would have joint pain and chronic dislocations and insomnia. And I just said, “Okay, that’s what happens when you’re a college athlete,”
right? And, you know, over the course of the next five or six years, I became a massage therapist, a personal trainer, I did coaching, certifications, and things like breathing. And none of it really made me feel awesome. Like, I felt good. And I looked healthy. You know, you look at a personal trainer, and he looked at me like, oh, yeah, she’s really healthy, right? And, and I just felt like, my–my energy levels should match my, my, the quality of my sleep should match all that. And then fast forward to when my first child was born about 11 years ago, after he was born, I developed the worst fatigue of my life, it was this horrible combination of chronic fatigue, plus insomnia. So it’s like, I’m physically exhausted, but I can’t sleep. My digestion was a mess, puffy, bloated, in pain, like you name it. And I wasn’t satisfied with the answer of “Oh, this is what a new mom is supposed to feel like.” Or “Oh, this is what happens as you get older. ” So like, So like any good nerd, right? Like any good nerd, I was like, I went on a journey. And the first place I went was into nutrition, I got a master’s degree in applied Clinical Nutrition, thinking that would really move the needle. And it did a little bit, right. I do think nutrition is important. All these modalities I think are very important. But I still didn’t wake up in the morning and feel like yeah, like, I got the energy to like, you know, rocket today, right? I was just, I was still just trying to make it through the day. And it was probably around two or three o’clock in the morning. I’m like this ad scrolling on my phone. And it’s like, why am I not sleeping? Why is my child not sleeping? Why do I have low energy? You like the journey that we go down to figure it out for ourselves. And I stumbled upon the work of Dr. Jack Cruz, who is like–he’s a neurosurgeon. And he has spent the past decade really piecing together what we call quantum biology. And the fact that, you know, the quantum world kind of used to exist in these cold dark rooms, you know, in these very, very controlled conditions. And now we know that our human bodies are quantum bodies. And he introduced me to the concept of my body needing light on so many levels, and I started to apply it, it sounded too good to be true. But it literally moved the needle in a matter of days, to the extent where my fatigue was gone, my sleep was better. And I knew I had stumbled upon a rabbit hole that I really wanted to dive down. And here I am now trying to spread the beauty of quantum health to the world.

How to Use Light for Optimal Health

Jackie 9:04
Yeah, and you’re doing it so well. And I think that’s what attracted me to you and your work because I have such a similar story and journey in the sense that I’m also a massage therapist, also do the training part. I’ve also looked into nutrition as well. You did the master’s degree. I haven’t gone that far. And now I’ve come across you in your work and it really is. Yeah, it’s like it is that missing puzzle piece because there’s so many instances where clients have come in and said, You know, I’m doing all of the things. why aren’t I feeling awesome? And, and it annoys me, but I don’t have the answer. But this really takes it yet to that, that next level and such an important conversation. So let’s, let’s break this down. I know you said You said with light. So let’s start with light. I want you to go into water first, but you’ve brought it up. Let’s start with light. Why is that important? And how, you know, how did you go about it in your journey to begin with?

Carrie 10:12
Yeah, you know, I mean, what light, light’s extremely important. And I started applying light simply by going outside at sunrise. Just stare, it’s basically spacing east and staring at the sky like my neighbours think I’m a nutcase. And it really started to make a difference. And the reason is that, you know, light we know, I don’t think anyone would argue that light isn’t foundational for life on this planet. You know, we think about the fact that we obviously know that plants use light, right? It makes so much sense that you know, God, nature, however you want to describe it, use light for literally millions of years. And then as humans evolved, what do we think happened? They just said, No, let’s reinvent the wheel, right? Let’s do something completely different. It’s just that we use light differently. And so we, we need light just in the exact same way. We don’t use it to make our own food like plants do, we use it to create time in our body to signal time in our body to signal our circadian rhythm. And we use the different colours of light almost like nutrients in various ways, especially in the morning to turn on certain processes. Brain neurotransmitter processes, hormonal pathways, we need key light colours, key light frequencies on a regular basis to get all the pathways synced up to the day night cycle, the circadian cycle that we experience it within a 24 hour period.

The Colors and Frequencies: How Do They Affect Us?

Jackie 11:42
Right. So in that morning, what are the colours and frequencies that are really important to us? That we have to get it in the morning?

Carrie 11:52
Per great question, because the morning is key. And the way that the sun comes at us with colours is in a very predictable way. But it changes, it changes all throughout the day. You know, I’m sure we’ve all seen sunlight through a prism right, you know, gets shown through a prism and we see the colours of the rainbow. And then we also understand that there’s colours outside of the ones that we can visibly see, we have infrared above the red spectrum and ultraviolet below the violet colours. And all of those wavelengths from the infrared all the way through the colours we can see to the ultraviolet are special and important for human life and for life on this planet. Now, in the morning, if I were to take a fancy little metre called a spectrometer that kind of tells me what colours are present, what colours of light, I would hold it out there and I would see the light in the morning at like right before sunrise has tonnes of red and infrared. Those are wavelengths of light that I absorb into the water in my body and my mitochondria absorb those, those wavelengths in order to optimise their function. And I’m sure we’ve heard the word mitochondria. I used to refer to it, you know, back in high school was, like, the powerhouse of the cell, right? It made all, made the ATP. It does so much more than that. But yeah, we it needs red light. So if the mitochondria don’t get red photons, red light, and infrared, it’s almost like we’re starving our little, our little powerhouses, we’re not giving them the input that they need. So it’s beautiful, right, because we start the day off, we get the red and the infrared that kind of rubs things up. And as soon as the sun breaks the horizon, my metre would pick up more of the colour blue. And blue gets perceived by these little sensors in my eyes and on my skin. And it really starts my timing mechanism, I time-clock for the day, because the amount of blue light that’s coming into my environment, literally, it slowly increases from sunrise until when the sun is at its high point in the sky, and then slowly decreases until there’s no more at sunset. So it’s the perfect timekeeper. So I’ve got these sensors for these blue light photons all over my body. And I know, depending on how many of those sensors are triggered, tells the time of day, right and all that information goes to like this master clock in my brain. And it literally communicates that to the rest of my cells. And so all my cellular tasks can sync up based on the amount of blue light in my environment based on the time of day. And then the sun creeps up just a little bit higher, we would measure it at 10 degrees above the horizon, right, so a little bit higher, and then ultraviolet A comes and it’s a whole nother cascade that happens, right? I start to make neurotransmitters in my brain like serotonin, like dopamine,mI start to make chemicals that make me feel more alert and focus like adrenaline and noradrenaline. That’s when I can actually start to make chemicals that can control various processes that my body needs. So if I have inflammation, I can make a chemical that controls inflammation. If I’m in pain, I can make beta endorphin right the runner’s high chemical that makes us feel so good. And it’s all in response to that morning ultraviolet light and then lastly, the sun reaches 30 degrees above the horizon. And that’s when ultraviolet B. And we all know UVB for vitamin D synthesis. But UVB is also really important for kind of balancing out my steroid hormone production, my sex hormone production, and so that we get this hormone balance at an appropriate time of the day. And that’s all just from literally when the sun is like, below the horizon to hear right, it’s so cool when you start to dive into it that the layering on of the colours, it signals to my body to do different things.

Jackie 15:30
There’s so much in there. Question. So you said before the sun has even broke the horizon? We’ve got red light.

Carrie 15:41

The Problem With Artificial Lighting

Jackie 15:42
Okay. So this morning, to get to get up for this interview. I was awake before sunrise. And then I’ve come into this room, and I’ve put old put on the computer. I’ve got my ring lights on. So there’s all this artificial? That is not the same whatsoever, right? Is this a problem? Should Should I’ve gone outside, even though sun is not up, still go outside for 5-10 minutes and then get back in and then then light up this place?

Carrie 16:25
The natural signals from light are always a powerful signal, no matter the time of day that we go outside. So yes. Especially if you knew that you were going to kind of shoot your body full of artificial light here. Yeah, it’s important. It absolutely is. So then I would really encourage you after this, go outside and tell your body what time of day it is. Right? That’s it, it is a problem. When we do this day in and day out, like occasionally, no, no big deal. But picture the number of us who wake up. And that’s what we do, right, we flood our house full of artificial light. And then we’re taught to then on our drive to work to put sunglasses on. So we kind of block the signals that are coming from nature that’s from the sun. And then we go into an office environment that’s fluorescently, lit for eight, nine hours. And then we drive home with our sunglasses on. And then we go into our house and make dinner and then the sunsets. And again, you know, we’re, I live in the middle of winter. Now we’re actually, we’re getting into the middle of winter, we’re in the middle of fall right now. But it’s darker. And so we have, you know, sunset, let’s say around of seven o’clock, I’m not going to go to bed at seven. So the majority of us just flood our house with light and we stare at an artificially lit television. And then we go to bed. And we’re kind of wondering why we feel off. You know why things just don’t feel right. And knowing what I know about light I can really pinpoint like, it’s all about the light.

How to Get the Most Benefit from Morning Sunlight

Jackie 17:50
Absolutely. And it was something that I experienced as well. I went from, I moved houses and I’m in a space where there’s not a whole heap of natural light. And I found when I was working all day indoors, I just felt awful by the end of the day, absolutely awful. Have to ask. We–so we’ve gone into daylight savings now. And I found that I’ll start early. So I’m locking myself in this room and it’s a massage so it’s a little bit dark as well. So I feel like that’s kind of messing with me. But anyway, so I’ll do this, you know, big day, and then I’ll go out. And luckily, our lounge area is just completely floor to ceiling, windows is beautiful, very light field. But I’ll go out and because I’ve been all day in this kind of darkened room, I then get out it’s probably like four or five o’clock in the afternoon. And then there’s light covers it in my brain, my eyeballs and I’m just like, Is this is this a good thing? am I messing up what my signals, like, it’s coming into evening I should be like winding down but I feel like this is giving me energy. Is this–is this wrong?

Carrie 19:08
I mean, I wouldn’t say it’s wrong, but I, you are getting those stimulating signals that you should have gotten in the morning, right? So I really encourage people if if at all they have the opportunity to spend as much time outside in the morning as possible front load your light, you’re gonna get such a bigger bang for your buck when you get that those morning light frequencies than you would if you were to go outside them from four till 7:00 pm or whatever it might look like they’re–those are good don’t get me wrong, they’re they’re nice, but you need that energising burst and you need that layering on a focus and an energy in the morning that you’re going to get. So that, that you know if you are going to have a time where you’re in either what I would call garbage lighting or artificial light or no lighting at all or very dim. Make it like you know, let’s say 11:00 until 11:00 until 3:00 right are like you’d like try to–try to condense it a bit and take little breaks like a little work, little break, little work, little break and continue to sync yourself up. But those morning light frequencies are so important. I really, I had to restructure my life over the course of the past three years just knowing what I know, because I was a personal trainer, right? It was like, I owned a gym, I owned a gym and I was flipping out all these lights, you know, you’re there at five o’clock in the morning. And you’re like bootcamp class, let’s go, you know. And so then I started to be in the gym, with my, with my like orange blue blockers on, but then there was still over–overhead artificial lights. And it just didn’t sit well with me knowing what I knew about circadian rhythm. I’m just like, I gotta shift things, I really have to, it was a huge leap. But gosh, my body feels amazing. Because of it. And I know that I feel like I feel like I’m allowed to now spread the message here. I think I’m like, Okay, this is my mission. Now, I don’t necessarily need to own a gym anymore. I need to spread the word about light, right? And this the quantum healing so, you know, consistency over perfection, Jackie, I’m not telling people that they have to live out their whole lives outside. But if we can prioritise those morning wavelengths of light, it’s key.

ReconnectIing With Your Circadian Rhythm

Jackie 21:09
Yeah, absolutely. Well, let’s–okay, so when people are out there, they’ve gone outside in the morning? How long should they be spending out there?

Carrie 21:20
That depends on how, you know, for lack of a better word messed up, someone’s circadian rhythm is right, you know, if you–if you feel like you’re one of those people who doesn’t want to fall asleep before midnight, one, two o’clock in the morning, and you want to sleep in until hours after sunrise, you got to spend a little more time out there. But what I’ve seen some of my tech executive clients, and just also from research on people who consider themselves night owls, in the course of a three day camping trip, they can recover their circadian rhythms, you know, 70% or more of their circadian rhythm. So it’s like being very diligent for a short window of time. And then you–then you just got to do consistent little exposures. Three minutes at sunrise, maybe a 20 minute walk when that UVA when that UVA light is there. And it, then, it works for you. Your lighting is working for you.

Where to find Carrie:

Website: https://carrieandcorey.podia.com/

Instagram: @carriebwellness

You Tube: Carriebwellness

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